
Scuba Diving Adventures in Southeast Asia

Follow our regular scuba diving trips around Southeast Asia to find out where the best dive spots are and the lowdown on what you can expect from each location. We’ll also post useful articles on diving equipment, courses and other hints and tips as well to help you with all your diving needs

Steve Poole Steve Poole

Galapagos - What diving dreams are made of!

We were lucky enough to spend a couple of weeks scuba diving in the beautiful Galapagos Islands, Ecuador. Check out our latest blog post, a review of scuba diving in the Galapagos Islands, to get the low down on what it’s like to see hammerheads, whale sharks, manta rays and much, much more!

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Steve Poole Steve Poole

Shark Diving in the Bahamas

Spending some time in the beautiful Bahamas diving there and lucky enough to get the chance to dive with the humbling Tiger Sharks at Tiger Beach - this is what bucket list diving is all about! Check out of review of scuba diving with the Tiger Sharks of Tiger Beach in the Bahamas!

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Steve Poole Steve Poole

Ice, Ice Baby!

Instead of Scuba Diving in tropical water as I am used to, I decided to take the plunge and complete my PADI Ice Diver certification. Check out my review of scuba diving underneath 11 inches of ice in the middle of an upstate New York winter!

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Steve Poole Steve Poole

Freshwater Diving in Lake George, NY

Instead of scuba diving in our usual crystal clear, warm waters we decided to try something a bit different this time and take the plunge into the cold murky waters of Lake George here in upstate New York. It was quite different to what we are used to but good fun all the same! Check out my review of scuba diving in Lake George, New York

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Steve Poole Steve Poole

Scuba Diving Road Trip - Florida

After moving to the US, we took a road trip down to Florida for a new type of scuba diving experience! Check out my review of what its like to take a road trip to scuba dive around Florida and the beautiful Florida Keys

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Steve Poole Steve Poole

A Scuba Diving Farewell Tour of Malaysia's Best

Before leaving Malaysia and the Southeast Asia region I took a scuba diving safari of the best that Malaysia has to offer - Mabul, Kapalai, Sipadan and a new island for me - Mataking. What a way to say farewell to am amazing place by diving the best it has to offer. Check out my review of scuba diving off of Semporna to the beautiful islands of Kapalai, Mabul, Sipadan and Mataking!

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Steve Poole Steve Poole

Creative Underwater Photography Class - Kapalai

One of my last diving trips in Malaysia gave me the opportunity to take a creative macro masterclass with one of the best there is! Check out my review of scuba diving off of Kapalai, Mabul and Sipadan and the underwater photo workshop with Ipah Uid Lynn!

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Steve Poole Steve Poole

Scuba Escape to Kapalai, Sabah!

When Sabah finally opened up its state borders we were straight onto a flight to head to our favourite scuba diving site in Malaysia - Sipadan Kapalai Resort! Read more about our trip and what it was like to Scuba Dive Sipadan after a year of lockdowns, would it be the same as we remembered it or would COVID have taken its toll on this world famous dive site?

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Steve Poole Steve Poole

Underwater Photography - Moving from Beginner to Intermediate Setups

At some point most scuba divers will decide that they want to get into underwater photography, its the old adage of no picture, no proof! However it can be a bit bewildering to start with, so many different options and camera types that it can be difficult to choose what you should do. We give the lowdown on putting together an intermediate underwater photography set up together.

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Steve Poole Steve Poole

How to Speak Scuba

When you start out scuba diving the array of different terms, abbreviations and acronyms can seem baffling. We have compiled a fun, lighthearted list of some of the most common terms used in scuba diving to help you sound like a pro!

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Steve Poole Steve Poole

Wide Angle Underwater Photography Course

Whilst not being able to get out and go scuba diving I took the opportunity to fine tune my underwater photography skills with a wide angle course from one of the best in the business, Malaysian photographer, Nurul Yazid.

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Steve Poole Steve Poole

My Best Day Diving

Sometimes the stars align and everything just comes together for one magical day of scuba diving. The dive sites aren't crowded, the conditions are perfect and everything we hoped to see makes an appearance. Well, mine happened to be at the wonderful Pulau Sipadan in Malaysia, way back in 2019 and I thought I'd share my experience

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Steve Poole Steve Poole

Simple Tips To Save The Ocean

As divers we're all passionate about the marine environment and want to do everything we can to to preserve it for future generations, especially the stunning reefs and incredible life here in southeast Asia. To help we have put together some simple, common sense tips to help save our beautiful oceans.

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Steve Poole Steve Poole

Top Tips for Scuba Travel

We all love to scuba dive and travel so we help out with some handy hints, tips and hacks for your next diving holiday from what to take and how to take it we have you covered.

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Steve Poole Steve Poole

When to Abort or "Call" a Dive

Our recent experiences in Pulau Sibu and Langkawi got me thinking about what circumstances should lead you to call off a dive. Although we all want to get out and go scuba diving it's always best to be cautious and err on the safe side rather than take a risk and end up regretting it later. We run through a few scenarios and example of when we think its right to call off a dive.

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Steve Poole Steve Poole

New Years Diving Resolutions

Its the time of year when we all make new years resolutions for what we want to achieve throughout the year, here at southeast Asia diving we thought we'd do the same for our scuba diving ambitions in 2021.

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Dive Site Reviews Steve Poole Dive Site Reviews Steve Poole

New Years Eve Diving in Langkawi

While Langkawi might not be top of scuba diving destinations in Malaysia it does offer some great opportunities for those willing to brave limited visibility. We decided to close out 2020 in style and say good riddance to such a difficult year by seeing what Langkawi had to offer for scuba divers.

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