The underwater world is stunning with so much to see, often the larger animals and species such as sharks take the headlines but if you are prepared to take a closer look there is so much colour and shape. Macro life comes in all shapes and (small) sizes form the beautiful pygmy sea horses, cleaner shrimp and all manner of crabs it is amazing to see what is down there. We have selected some of our favourite macro images we have taken for you to get an up close and personal look without having to get wet or take a magnifying glass!
Bargibanti Pygmy Seahorse, Anilao, Philippines - January 2020
Pygmy Cuttlefish, Anilao, Philippines - January 2020
Anemone Shrimp, Anilao, Philippines - January 2020
Orangutan Crab, Pulau Mabul, Malaysia - August 2020
Cleaner Shrimp, Anulao, Philippines - January 2020
Bubble Coral Shrimp, Pulau Mabul, Malaysia - August 2020
Spider crab, Pulau Sembilan, Malaysia - Dec 20
Dancing shrimp, Pulau Langkawi, Malaysia - Dec 20
Red Striped Shrimp, Anilao, Philippines - January 2020
Pipefish, Pulau Sembilan, Malaysia - Dec 20